Sunday, January 29, 2012

Can't get you off my mind

I've been completely distracted by thoughts of you all day. I was so productive yesterday, I got all my work done. But today, it's a completely different story. I can't get you off my mind...

I've been saying this whole time that I don't want anyone. This is seriously so bizarre. You're the first guy I've actually truly, liked since my ex and I broke up and I don't know how to handle it. You know when you say things out loud it makes them real? Well, I guess things became real last night when I mentioned you to my roommates. And then more real when you kissed me that night. I prayed and deeply thought about the kind of guy that I want. Is he answering my prayers? I know that sounds silly but you don't have any "undateable" qualities. 

This is what my list looked like:
- a guy that my family likes and approves
- respects the environment and my vegetarian lifestyle- hopefully will participate too
- funny
- has a good smile
- strong
- not too sensitive but very caring
- thoughtful
- has a job, a car and money to spend on me
- is going somewhere in live...motivated and is in a good position for a career
- smart- i like intelligent conversations
- close to his family
- wants a family of his own someday
- cares and listens to me when I blab about life
- a shoulder to cry on...because I cry a lot
- likes to drink and go out to have a good time
- has a good group of friends- I tend to be friends with my bf's friends so they have to be good people because they're gonna become part of my life and that also says a lot about him
- gets along with my roommates
- willing to spend time and get to know my friends (mostly roommates) without me asking or being there
- white, preferably
- has good hands
- active, likes to be outdoors, or someone that isn't lazy
- doesn't spend too much time on his phone
- no drugs

As you can see I'm quite picky but if I were to go along this list and check which of these things this particular man is...he fits a lot. We've been friends for over a year but just recently I have gotten to know him on a different, more personal level. So, I don't know everything yet, but I know I'll see him again soon and I will find out.

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