Wednesday, October 13, 2010

River Stewards

What is you favorite River Steward related thing you've learned, enjoyed, look forward to?  

One great River Steward thing I've enjoyed is the friendships I've created with all of the stewards, especially my 2013 cohort. All the stewards and I have similar interests so we all get along really well. In just four days, during orientation, we became a small family with an unimaginable strong bond. Its pretty incredible.

Another thing I enjoy about River Stewards is how much this group has opened my eyes to the city of Dayton. Every weekend during Freshman year I would be sitting around the dorm, watching movies, doing homework and only staying on campus. There wasn't a way for me to experience anything because I was very confined without a car and without any knowledge of the possibilities in Dayton. Now on the weekends I have so many things to do! For example, this weekend, the Dayton Explorers are hosting a group bike ride to second street market. I've already experienced second street market, which is awesome by the way, but I've never biked there, nor gone with other stewards. Being with the students would make it so much more exciting because we always know how to have fun, laugh and goof around, but it would also be so much more rewarding because I know we'd all teach each other too.

In the future, I look forward to more Dayton Explorer events; hopefully kayaking will be one of them because I couldn't participate in the last one. Kayaking during orientation was the last time I have kayaked but I can't wait to do it again. It's such a challenge (when you're goal is 17 miles and your arms are tired) and so rewarding at the same time :)

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